
Perfectionism is a Poison

Perfectionism is a poison.
And it doesn’t always look like just trying to be perfect.
Sometimes it looks and feels like being an imposter, like you’ll be found out fir not really being as good as you claim.
Sometimes it looks like comparisonitis- always holding yourself against someone else’s standards or goals.
There’s all these ways we humans forget our own beautiful perfect amazing selves because we are so busy looking outward…and feeling like we don’t measure up.
We strive and strive and push and grind and hustle…
Only to get stuck in a cycle of verbally and emotionally beating ourselves up.

It doesn’t have to stay that way.
You get to decide to focus on you-
Your beauty.
Your goals.
Your pace.
Your lane.
Your way.

Stop letting someone else’s story steal your glory.
There is love, healing and forgiveness available to you always. The Universe wants to give you those gifts. But you have to accept them, and know you’re worthy of them.
How would more love serve you today?

How would healing (from past wounds and scars on your heart) serve you today?

How would forgiveness (for yourself and others) serve you today?

You won’t get farther ahead or any closer to your goals by staying stuck in the pain and poison of perfectionism- of having to do it right by someone else’s standards.
The answer lies in You, always.
Love you.
Heal You.
Forgive You.

And watch everything you’ve ever hoped for start your show up in your life~ perfectly.

If you’re tired of staying stuck in the pain and struggle, and you’re ready to take your life back for yourself and reach those goals you’ve set for yourself (but can’t ever seem to reach)~ let’s talk.
Come join my group.
Book a call with me.
Send me a message.
But do Something.
Take action.
Receive the Love, Healing and Forgiveness that are right here for you today.

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