
Are Humans the Virus?

A friend said this to me last night.
She is weary. Actually scratch that – she’s downright exhausted.
So am I.
So, probably, are you.

But I could not get this question out of my head.
So I sat down to process it by writing my answer.

Humans are the most developed species we have on Planet Earth. At least that’s what they tell us in science class in 5th grade and at the museums when we go there on field trips.  We have opposable thumbs and brains that are capable of incredible computations and solutions and just really mind-blowing amazingness.

Yet – we turn on each other at the drop of a hat.
We attack the weak instead of helping protect them.
We base judgements on the pigment of skin instead of the intellect of the mind.
We build walls and enact laws and legislate morality – all with the intended purpose of…
Bettering ourselves?
We are literally killing off our own species – if not physically, then at least with words and thoughts and feelings and actions.
We are killing the essence of what makes us human – our spirit. Our soul.

And see, there’s the crux.
Because while all those things are true – all the really shady, negative, painful things we do as humans, it discounts the fact that inside of each human is a soul – imbued with free will, imagination, creativity, and love.
And I’ve witnessed some amazing acts of human love.

I’ve held the hands of friends who have had to say goodbye to their babies far too soon.
In their grief, because of their grief, their love fills rooms.
I’ve seen humans make unthinkable personal sacrifices to help strangers get a step ahead.
Love wins again.
I’ve witnessed people pulling out their literal last few dollars to bring happiness to their child, without a second thought to “what happens next?”
Love in action. 

I’ve seen ordinary humans do extraordinary things – because there is infinite potential for goodness in us all.

There is beauty in the way we appreciate an amazing sunset, even though it happens every night.
There is awe in the witnessing of the first breath of life, and a collective sigh at the last.
There is goodness and kindness and peace all around us, in our human experience, in our human interactions.
That is what our souls bring us. Our souls came from Love and our souls remind us of that Love, every day.

But our Ego- that Ego is what separates us. Our rush to get to the front of the line and the top of the hill – faster, better, bigger, richer!!! That’s when the ugliness comes out.

Both things make us human – our Ego and our Soul.
But one makes us better, and one makes us bitter.

Which will you choose? Every day?
That’s the incredible gift of our free will.
Will you choose Ego or Love today?
Will you build a wall or will you pull up a chair?

Are humans the virus?
Not by a long shot.

But I sure do think we can BE the cure.

As always, just some random ramblings from me. 

But I’d love to know your thoughts. 


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