
Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have

How can we be so in love with people all around us – and never once think about returning that love to ourselves? ?
it seems so backwards. ?
shouldn’t we start with loving our Self first, and then out of that love, be able to spread it to the humans closest to us, and then the circle beyond that, and beyond that. ?
I talk a lot about love and relationships in my private FB group (are you in it? You should be – link is in my bio) And this idea came out the other night in one of my live videos. ?
The relationship you have with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have. ?
Is it chaotic? ?
Is it strong and firm? ?
Is it shaky? ?
Is it utterly fulfilling? ?
If the relationships around you aren’t working, check in with the relationship with your Self. ?
This is my love letter to you – and to me – that we are so worth choosing ourselves. Magic happens when we choose and love ourselves. ?
When was the last time you chose your own magic? ?
What does it look like when you do?

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