
Once you start believing in yourself there’s nothing that can hold you back!

Once you start believing in yourself, there’s nothing that can hold you back!

I want you to know this.
And I don’t just mean in the way that you Tell Yourself you believe in yourself.
I mean in the way that you continue to get up and show up no matter what happens.
That you don’t give in to the drama of what “everyone else” says or does.
That you don’t listen to the voice in your head that tells you you’re doing it wrong, that you’re an imposter, that you are going to be stuck in misery forever.
That voice isn’t you.
It’s a mish-mash of all the ways your soul has been wounded in the past, and all the ways your ego is trying to protect you from that hurt in the future.
But it isn’t YOU.

The YOU that you gotta start believing in is the you who sees the absolute beauty in this world and wants to bring it to others. The YOU that came to this world with gifts and talents that have long been kept small because of what some harsh criticism did years ago.
The YOU that is so very capable of shining like a star, and changing the world, and living an amazing beautiful abundant magical life.
That you.
That’s who you gotta wake up every day and believe in.
Believe in her when it’s a nice sunny day and believe in her when the clouds are rolling in and it’s hard to get out of bed.

Believe in yourself enough to:
?Give yourself the care and attention you physically need
?Take the risk to Invest in You (your dreams)
?Be big, brave, bold in your declarations
?Do and say what is burning in your heart to do and say

Believe in yourself by Loving Who You Are.
When you love yourself, you cannot help but absolutely believe in your own awesomeness.
I know it’s easier said than done sometimes.
Which is why I wrote Love, Me (link in bio) – my audio love letter to you, to help you learn to rewire that voice in your head to be your biggest cheerleader, and the biggest step to your own success. I wrote it for you. I want you to take a chance on this teeny little investment in you so that you start to see the world of possibilities out there for you.
If everything you’re trying isn’t working – maybe it’s time for something new.
I’m here to help whenever you’re ready.

Tell me how much you believe in yourself.

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