
5 Simple Pleasures

For this Saturday post that I have to backdate, I’m going to keep it short and sweet. I have been trying these past few overwhelming years to find ways to combat the at times overwhelming stress, and one thing that has worked well for me is focusing on some simple pleasures that I can find right around me, right at that moment, and be grateful for them.
Yes, I realize that seems incredibly Pollyanna-ish, but I cannot even begin to tell you the perspective shift that I’ve gained from putting this small exercise into practice. “Where focus goes, energy flows” ~ i tell my kids this all the time. When your focus is on the negative – whether it’s stressing over a test, friends’ drama (we deal with a LOT of this with 4 girls!), or just wishing they could have the things they see friends enjoying – you will only see the negative. And that negativity will compound. Inversely, once you start seeing the positive around you, you will notice that things are mostly going in a good direction for you, and you are more capable of working your way through any challenging situation that come your way.
So – i’ve started shifting my perspective to things that I GET to enjoy, all around me, no matter what other stresses or pressures i may be under. Because lemme lay a little truth bomb on you – stresses and pressures and challenges and hard things will ALWAYS be there. You’ve gotta find a way to live your life not focused on the negative, otherwise it’s a pretty miserable existence indeed.

Don’t take my word for it – try it yourself. Maybe you won’t win the lottery or any other life changing event – but maybe you’ll realize that even without that, life is pretty sweet.

So as I thought about this on this beautiful weekend I got to enjoy with my baby girls , these were just a few of my simple pleasures I am grateful for. If you feel so led, leave yours in the comments! (Kinda like 5 Things Friday, maybe we will start doing Simple Pleasures Saturday!)

1. Beautiful weather FINALLY! It seems like spring has been very reluctant to come this year – but days like this weekend make you sit up, take notice, and breathe it in a little deeper because you know it’s been a long time coming. Sitting on the back porch with the warm sun on my face, the birds chirping, the sounds of my neighbors all out enjoying the weather too – it just kinda feels like that’s what life was meant for.

2. A big jug of homemade sweet tea. i am a sweet tea fanatic – and even though it is VERY hard to come by up here in the tundra of Chiberia, I am so grateful that my momma took the time to teach me how to make an amazing pitcher of sweet tea, and i love that i have passed this down to my girls too.

3. Hot water in my shower.  I talk about this one a lot during hospital stays, but it is precisely because of those days that it still hits me what an amazing wonderful thing it is to turn on the shower, have it heat up to volcanic ash level, and to feel that water pressure beating down on my skin. Awesome stuff!

4. Soft sheets when i crawl into bed at night. I may need to switch away from my flannel sheets soon, but for now, i love the feeling and the warmth.

5. Saying goodnight to each of my babies every night, under the same roof, my roof, and knowing i’ve kept them safe another day.  I love that feeling, and I love being their mama.

So that’s my Simple Pleasures Saturday~ – I hope you have some of your own!


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