ACTUAL NEWSFLASH: You get to decide. ?
You decide who you show up as, every day. ?
i know it might not feel like it. ?
I lived that way for years. ?
Letting life happen to me, not making it happen for myself. ?
Being swung and swayed by every single circumstance of my day, instead of putting my foot down and deciding that enough was enough. ?
See, a big part of the problem was that I didn’t think I was WORTHY of playing the role of leading lady. ?
Maybe you don’t either. ?
Maybe you think that’s reserved for other women, ?
prettier women, ?
skinnier women, ?
women who have their ish a little more together than you. ?
So you play small. And in that small box all you can see are the circumstances around you that keep you small – the shitty job, the crumbling marriage, the family dynamics, that one guy or that one boss or that one time….?
Let me lay a little love-filled-truth-bomb on you:?
You’re making it more difficult than it needs to be. ?
I promise. ?
I know, because I did it too. And when I realized that it really was up to ME how I showed up for my life, man, it made me a little angry at first tbh. Like, i wasted all these years and all this time??
And after the anger came a decisive resoluteness – that I was no longer going to play that victim role. ?
Instead, you’re gonna watch me shine. ?
And I’m here to watch you shine. ?
Tell me about the starring role you’re ready to show up for in your life.