
I Ain’t No Holla Back Girl.

Just so you’re aware. Cause you might not have been.

I have so much bloggage to catch up on.

Wait who am I kidding – i have so much LIFE to catch up on!

Sleep, housework, real work, scrapbooking, crocheting, facebooking, tv shows on the DVR, grocery shopping, party planning, MOPS planning….sigh. I will be perpetually behind from here until sometime in 2038 i am thinking.

So its back to the old grind here at the atkinson homestead. Ben is gone all week so the sleepless nites are all mine to bear. I will say this – when he is home he is the only reason I can keep going – but those long stretches from Tuesday to Friday are enough to make a Navy Seal keel over dead of exhaustion I am thinking. Kendall seems to be doing better with the refluxing – she hasn’t puked up an entire meal in about a week -but the pain is still lingering. She still has the silent episodes which make her grunt and squirm all nite long, making us not get ANY sleep. I know she will outgrow this all soon. We just have to hit ten pounds. Life turns around for little ones at ten pounds. She just seems so far away from that! But slowly but surely we will get there.

My parents came down on Sunday out of the blue to take us to Target for some “new” things just for this poor baby who has only a few new outfits to her name. Everything else is hand me downs from Kealey on down. Mostly they were worried about our 7 year old carseat that my mom is convinced will allow her to go flying out of like a bullet because its the old school 3 point harness instead of five. So Kendall is now the proud new owner of a 5 point PINK carseat that is all her own! (plus it weighs about 5 lbs less than the old one did so SCORE!) Truly, it was just so awesome to feel like Kendall got a little mini “baby shower”, all for her. She also scored a brand new babygym which mesmerizes her. She laid flat on her back without screaming for about ten whole minutes just being overstimulated by all the noises and colors and lights on this new thing. It made my eyes fill up with tears to see it. Poor baby spends so much of her day crying in pain and then passing out with exhaustion – this was the first time i had seen her truly HAPPY in….well, ever pretty much! Sometimes your parents just know how and when to give you a little pick-me-up. Thanks mom and dad!

In other news…

well I guess there really isn’t any. we just spend most days trying to survive this crazy cold and the random blizzard that has been affecting the chi-town area the past couple weeks. But today is a nice sunny day- almost near the freezing mark, which is a warm up oddly enough.

Well its time to plan for playdates for karissa – the only way we survive around here lately.



so check out the subscription bling i just added over there ——–>

sign up yo = you know you want to!



3 thoughts on “I Ain’t No Holla Back Girl.”

  1. How long has Britney been there? I totally almost fell over when she was spotted. You are stealth. I’m gonna have to scout the area for JC.

  2. lol
    it took me almost 8 minutes to figure out WTH you were talking about!
    Jc is still chillin’. sleep with one eye open.
    i must hear the story of how britney was spotted!

  3. a. it’s a slow friday night here, do explain the britney thing for our amusement? b. do update with a new post just sos I STOP with the gettingthatsongstuckinmyhead everytime I check in on you. thankyouverymuch

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