Is focusing on everyone else around you taking away your ability to focus on yourself…
Your goals
Your hopes
Your dreams of that big expansive life?
Maybe it’s not even about huge business goals for you that get sidetracked by your caretaking of everyone else, maybe it’s just that you are starting to feel that burnout of
Between being a single mom of 4 kids,
Somehow becoming the neighborhood hang out spot,
“Shelter in place”
Nothings open anyways
And not even school as a relief~
I definitely feel you.
There are always small humans who need my support, clients who I love supporting, and people who I want to be around and hang out with. It can turn into a much more complicated Venn diagram than the one above.
And what I’ve realized through this past year of increased caretaking/supporting others around me, is that self-caretaking is Imperative for keeping the balance.
If you’ve started to feel the signs of caretaking imbalance or burnout:
?getting snappy with loved ones
?overly exhausted all day
?hard to focus on any one task
?generally frustrated with life
Then it’s likely your soul is crying out for you to find that balance again, between taking care of you, and taking care of others.
No you can’t just stop being a mom, or a care provider for certain people.
But you
??CAN take a look at your boundaries,
And where you might otherwise have energy drains that aren’t serving you at all.
??You CAN set an alarm around certain tasks in your day and carve out some time to focus on restoring YOU.
??You can find a group or mentor who can lovingly hold you accountable to taking time out for you.
Find your balance again.
Especially this year.
Especially now.
I’d love to welcome you into my group (or even my challenge to really make this last month of 2020 the best month everrrr!!!) if that would serve you. (Link in bio!)
Leave me a comment if you’ve ever been in this imbalance, and what was one thing you did to start finding your balance of you again?

i do I do not have my work email on my phone. This is life giving! I also go for walks alone.