
Track Tuesday

Ok so, on the request of a few readers, we’re going to start something new here at Terra Talking. Track Tuesdays.

on track tuesdays i will help you load up your favorite mp3 player chock-full of terra recommended musical goodness. By next tuesday I might have a cool program to help make this easier…but for today – you just get a list.

Ok so for our first Track Tuesday, we will begin with the fundamentals of any good playlist: a kickass recognizable guitar riff. you should be able to recognize ANY of these songs within about the first nano-second of play, just due to their unique pulsating rock beats and rhythms. These are the classics, folks. Love them, learn them, live them. God gave rock and roll to you, gave rock and roll to you – put it in the soul of everyone. Amen.


(element credits go to Heather Ann Designs, Eclectic Kit.)

This should be a good start for your rock and roll playlist. Next week, we’ll discuss some good workout music. (or i might change my mind cause we’ll be on vacay next tuesday so i might whip out my favorite jimmy buffet tunes or something…)

Moving on.

so AGAIN i was sick this past weekend but managed to fight it back into just 2 or 3 days of  general malaise. Ok seriously. I did not eat ANYTHING solid for almost 2 whole days and STILL did not lose weight. When even anorexia fails you, man, it is a sad sad world indeed. I did have a blast on our little mom’s getaway weekend. Got a nice pedicure in time for our trip, got my eyebrow made into two separate ones,  and got to SLEEP IN. Well, technically not sleeping in since we didn’t go to bed until 3 am…but..it FELT like sleeping in.

What is up with this weather? i tell you – it is getting to be almost as depressing as Seattle around here with all this cloudiness and gloom. I am SO ready for vacation its not even funny. Although, after vacation, I’ll probably need a vacation from my vacation. 20 hours in the car with three kids and all the ensuing paraphernalia….yeah. I’ll need some liquid relaxation for sure. I have started the packing. Its a very paltry start though so…i won’t even share till I have more done. I have to shop tomorrow probably, since tonite318blogb i have a meeting for MOPS which we are starting between our church and another church in Naperville that our good friends Neil and Brandi pastor at. Should be a good time.

I feel like I will never be done with the laundry.

I feel like it will never be warm again.

I feel like I could devour an entire cake right now.

Oh – see that little munchkin over there to the right?

Teeth are falling out of her head. Its funny to hear her talk cause, well, she has no teeth to put her tongue against to form certain phonetic sounds. For instance, the other day she said she was going to do Mass in the snow. I was a little confused but thought, hey, good for her. Explore other religions. I said "Mass? how do you even know what that is?"

"We do it at skthool mom"

"You do mass at school? like a church?" (me thinking, oh lordy, what ELSE are they doing in the 2.3 hours a day she is there?)

"no – MAFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-uh" (like she’s trying to over-enunciate it)

"OH! Maps! you’re going to draw a map in the snow! how fun! where are you going?"

"{huge huffy sigh} MOM. no. like numbers. MAFF"



318blog2Seriously – try to say it without using your front teeth. Its harder than it looks.

And then this little one. Getting more spitfire by the day. But she’s such a good little model, letting me drag her around all day to get her picture taken.

She makes me laugh just by being her.

Slower than the 7-year itch I tell you. But sweeter than molasses.


Ahhh the loverly world of print packaging is beckoning.  and an uber fun trip to the post office when the brood has awoken. The excitement of my day is overwhelming.

So there.

there’s your update!

just me

2 thoughts on “Track Tuesday”

  1. Thanks for the playlist terra! I think you should do either ‘old school christian tunes’ or senior year of high school playlist.

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