

On time.

Out of Time.

Time Out.

Time to go.

Time Goes By So Slowly.

I got nothin today. i mean, we DId stuff. But it wasn’t anything exciting or earth shattering – not really worthy of it’s own blog post. Not that most of what I write is….
Anyways – today’s prompt was to write for 5 minutes about time. It was better than the big ol’ ball of nothing floating around in my brain, so I bit.

My thoughts on time…

Sometimes, there just isn’t ENOUGH time. Not enough time to sleep, enough time to do all the stuff i HAVE to do and all the stuff I WANT to do, not enough time to just sit back and soak up life. Other times – it seems like all I do it just sit and WAIT on time to slowly pass… I think the overriding theme is that I probably need major time management. 

Ok i’m over that.


Not the time management thing – I do really need that. But since i’m likely to get that without a lobotomy, we’ll move on. And i’ll go back to Plan A – boring you with details about today. And tomorrow too. Today the girls were off school – so most glorious of all – I got to SLEEP!!!! I do so very dearly adore sleeping in in the mornings. I don’t like going to bed til late at night. And then i’m usually up a few times every night. So morning is the best time to sleep. But that so very rarely gets to happen – which makes days like today even awesomer! kendall was doing some of her crazy “i’m not sure if i’m actually sick but i’m going to pull random stuff on you anyways”, so her nurse and i had to get her calmed down. then after all that trauma I took the big girls out to breakfast with our good friends. After sitting in construction traffic for two hours, we made it to the eye doctor to pick up Karissa’s new glasses (she was SO excited!!), then back home to play in the leaves with friends. What an awesomely simple but fun day.
Tomorrow we are surprising the girls with a trip downtown – mainly so the babies can go to the American Girl doll store. Some awesome people knew that they ADORED looking at the AG catalog and that our expendable income for something like that was slim to none, so they blessed us with a gift card for the girls to pick something out!  They are going to FUH-LIPPP!  I’m so proud of the big girls – they know this trip is mainly for the babies but instead of whining about what they will get out of it – they are excited to see their little sisters enjoying the day! They aren’t being totally left out – we will surprise them too with a little something. But overall, we are so very blessed and so thankful for the opportunity to have something like this to look forward to!

And speaking of time – again – how seriously mind-boggling is it that my baby Kendall is turning FIVE YEARS OLD in a few days. How did that happen? five years??? that is older than karissa was when we brought her home. She’s not a baby anymore – she’s a big girl. It’s amazing.  I don’t know that we have any huge plans for that day – other than its her first day in almost a year that she will get to wake up and not get a shot, and go to bed, and not get a shot. I think that is probably the best gift for her ever. We have a “ten more shots” countdown and she can hardly wait!

Anyways – i’ll have more about that to say later, i’m sure. For now, i’ll wrap up this insanely boring post and put another one in the books.

peace out party people.


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