
Three Days in a row…

I know. Even *I* am impressed.

Had a rather uneventful day today. And yet, a great day. The girls slept until 8:30. Well, Kealey and Kaylen slept until then, Karissa came into bed with me at 8 and serenaded me (or maybe herself??? who knows with that child…) with various renditions of the itsy bitsy spider in a very high pitched voice for half an hour.  It was hot and crazy muggy all morning, and we thought we were going to the park for a playgroup, but the rain managed to cancel those plans! Anyways – all day long the girls were in great moods, cooperative, respectful, and it just was an all around awesome day because of that.

They had a fun playdate with their friends while I worked in the office for a few hours, and then we went to Archivers and Babies R Us for a little “window shopping”. Man I could have easily dropped a couple bennies in Archivers…but i DIDN’T, ben. DIDN’T being the operative word there. There’s just a lot of really cute new stuff out lately. Ok i am interrupting this otherwise sense-making post to just vent my frustration with fricking HERPES commercials. Like I NEED to know that one of you has herpes with regular outbreaks and one of you doesn’t. Please. Just take your meds and keep it in your pants. The end. And don’t advertise it on prime time television. Dang. I could really go off on STD commercials right now, but I won’t. I am just not in top sarcastic wit form at the moment. I need a coffee or two for that. Ok back to your regularly scheduled drivel-filled blog…

So anyways – yes, cute stuff at archivers. And they had the stroller out for testing that I have been eyeing for a few weeks.Product Image

The seats can swivel around to face each other, or both face back, it holds an infant seat, and after “test-driving” it with kaylen and my healthily weighted nephew in it facing each other – I can now say it truly corners like its on rails. The price is right for a new double, and while, yes, it is big and bulky and long when pushing it, I just don’t see any other way around ever hoping to get out of the house after December without one. Anyways, it was fun to go look. I can’t believe that in one week we will find out who this little bubba is….I go so back and forth! some days I am CONVINCED its a boy, and then the next morning, nope, no way, its TOTALLY a girl. I really have nothing solid to go on, like this pregnancy being WAY different than the others or anything like that. Its all purely speculation and feeling at this point.

I guess we’ll find out soon enough! I gotta figure out a poll thing for the sidebar here cause I think it would be interesting to see what you all think. Maybe we can still sway things with a blog vote/poll….

anyways. that is all I really have to say tonite. It was a good day and I am going to go to bed soon and read more about the freakish killer who stalked the world’s fair in chicago at the turn of the last century. good reading right before bed.

Anyhoo – hope you all had a lovely day also and that tomorrow brings even more fun!

hugs-n-kisses –


Oh PS – we had ANOTHER peeing in the car incident with kealey. At a stoplight. Into a diaper. WHAT KIND OF MONSTER HAVE I CREATED?!?!?!?!


2 thoughts on “Three Days in a row…”

  1. What kind of stroller is that? It’s awesome! Wish I hadn’t just dropped a small fortune on a Phil & Ted’s…I’d love something like this I could put an infant seat in.

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