
Call me May-be.

See what i did there?


So here we are. The first day of May – a month of blogging randomness lies ahead of us, and i have no idea where to begin. I know you’re all waiting on the Make A Wish updates – and I promise they are coming! But they take a lot of formatting prepwork with the pics and stuff, plus I want to have them all ready to go before I post them.

But maybe today I’ll post a few preview pics since I have about eleventy derfteen of them and will probably crash the interwebs trying to post them all somewhere.

In planning out what I want to post about on different days (every once in a while I manage to actually attempt to  be “organized”) – I’ve realized that I have a lot of “me” posts. Which I guess, considering the name of the blog is TERRA talking, makes sense. But I hope at the end of the month you know me a little better. I hope you talk back so we can have a conversation and I know you a little better.  I have absolutely loved meeting some of you through this little crazy spot on the world wide web. I know there’s so many more of you out there. When I see people who are reading from places completely foreign to me I have to wonder if google accurately translates my awesomeness and colloquialisms. I am thinking it doesn’t. So there’s a whole lot of people in Egypt and Sweden and Latvia and Japan who think i am a complete bumbling idiot. There’s probably a whole lot of people right here in the good ol U S of A who think that too….


the point being – we’re probably gonna get REALLLLL comfy the next few weeks. You THINK you know me…

I know you can’t wait to find out how we potty trained my kitty (i’ll even do some of my super special awesome draw-rings for you!), what are my top 5 favorite books to read over and over and over again, why I spend entire weekends being a crazy dance mom, and my obsession over Snackeez. (My birthday is in two months. I’m just sayin’…)

So i’ve worked on this post for like five hours (in five minute bursts – it’s just been one of those days) – and i’ve still said absolutely nothing. I’m not sure i even have the ability to focus long enough to come up with a point at all…I consumed a redonk amount of caffeine today. And now i’m all corky romano at 10 pm.

But today was a good day.

I didn’t even have to use my A.K.

We survived the dentist and the crazy schizophrenia surrounding kendall’s need for/not need for prophylactic antibiotics prior to any dental work. (Turns out she does. So we get to go BACK next week for that funness to happen.) (Someone remind me to pick up the stupid antibiotics from target.)

Tomorrow we leave for St Louis for dance comp. I have not even begun to pack. I feel like I should wear some piece of Blackhawks paraphernalia….

Alright – here’s a sampling of some of the pics from our Make A Wish trip….PUH-LENTYYYY more to come your way!







ok that’s all that my computer is playing nice with right now…you’ll just have to keep coming back to see more!!!

Happy May Day friends. Someday soon I hope I don’t have to wear my winter coat anymore!


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